Construction Financing Loan: A Complete Guide

Construction Financing Loans: A Complete Guide

Embarking on a new construction project is as thrilling as it is daunting. The complex world of financing new construction projects can often appear intimidating to both seasoned and first-time developers. Fortunately, understanding the process and partnering with the right mortgage provider, like LendCity Mortgages, can make this journey successful and fulfilling. This guide will navigate you through the dynamic terrains of new construction financing, highlighting the pivotal steps in the process and illustrating the transformative impact that LendCity Mortgages can bring to your project.

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Understanding New Construction Financing Loans

Building a new construction home can be an exciting venture. However, it also involves sizeable financial considerations. Here, understanding the nuances of new construction financing becomes a necessity. In essence, new construction financing allows you to fund the design, labour, and material costs of your new home. The process is different than traditional mortgage financing. So, let’s move forward exploring it in detail. 

The New Construction Process 

New construction refers to a house that’s built from the ground up. As a prospective homeowner, you are involved in the process from start to finish. 

  1. Choosing a Builder: The first step in the new construction process is to select a reliable builder. Based on your requirements, this could be a national firm or a local builder.
  2. Customizing Your Home: This step involves selecting a floor plan and personalizing numerous details, from flooring and cabinetry to fixtures and paint.
  3. Construction: This is when the actual building of your new home starts. Your builder will require funds during various stages of the construction.

It’s significant to have a sound financing plan during this process. This is where working with LendCity Mortgages could be highly beneficial.

What Are Progress Draws? 

Payment isn't all due at once when building a new construction home. Instead, it's broken down into 'progress draws.' This is designed to ensure the builders are paid at different stages of the construction process. It can help you maintain fair transactions and keep your finances balanced. 

The Stages Of Progress Draws 

Generally speaking, progress draws are made in three stages during the new construction process: 

  1. Foundation Stage: This is the first stage, and it is completed once the foundation of your new home is laid down and inspected. A typical draw may be around 35% of the total construction loan.
  2. Lock-up Stage: The second stage is known as the lockup stage, which is reached when the house is built to a point where it can be locked up – all doors and windows are installed, and the roof is on. Here, another draw is executed, usually around 35% more of your loan.
  3. Completion Stage: The third and final draw occurs when the house is finished, often after a final municipal inspection. The remaining 30% of the loan is generally drawn at this point.

Working this way benefits both you and the builder. The builder is assured of payments at crucial construction stages, while you can see definite progress before reimbursing each payment. 

Role Of LendCity Mortgages In Progress Draws 

Arranging progress draws can be daunting, but don't worry; we have you covered at LendCity Mortgages. We offer a smooth progress draws process, ensuring the funds are released to the builder at the proper stages of construction. Additionally, we handle all the necessary inspections for each draw, giving you peace of mind and saving you money on private inspection fees. With us, you can focus more on your dream project and less on the paperwork. 

Remember, each new construction home and loan can differ, so that these stages might vary based on your circumstances. Whatever your situation, you can trust LendCity Mortgages to navigate the complexities of construction financing on your behalf.

What Is A Builder Completion Mortgage? 

A builder completion mortgage may sound complicated, but it's a tool to streamline your new construction financing process. When you secure a builder completion mortgage, you're essentially locking in the guarantee to finance your new home's construction upon its completion. This mortgage type is beneficial if your construction project will not require numerous disbursements in between, unlike in a progress draw mortgage. 

Distinguishing Characteristics Of A Builder Completion Mortgage 

In a builder completion mortgage, unlike in progress draw mortgages, you’ll need not worry about carrying out inspections at different construction stages or disbursing funds after each stage completion. It’s more straightforward as the loan payment is entirely made once the property builder states that your home is ready for occupancy. The key points to note about builder completion mortgages include the following: 

  • Final Payment: The loan amount is released in full at the end of the construction period when the builder declares that the house is habitable.
  • No Interim Interest Payments: You won't be required to make any interim payments during construction. As a result, you get to save more.
  • Lower Appraisal Fees: Since there's no need for multiple appraisals during the construction phase, you get to save on these potential expenses.
 Builder Completion MortgageProgress Draw Mortgage
Releasing of fundsFull payment is issued at the end of the construction phase.Funds are disbursed in stages as construction progresses.
Interim interest paymentsNo interim payments are required during construction.Interim payments may be required during the construction process.
Appraisal feesTypically lower due to a lack of need for multiple appraisals during construction.It could be higher because of the multiple appraisals needed through various stages of construction.

Benefits Of Working With LendCity Mortgages For A Builder Completion Mortgage 

The experienced team at LendCity Mortgages can provide unmatched guidance and support throughout the builder completion mortgage process. Here's how they can make your construction project a success: 

  • Customized Solutions: Every construction project is unique. They provide personalized finance strategies that best suit your project and financial goals.
  • Streamlined Application Process: LendCity streamlines the mortgage application process, simplifying paperwork and ensuring quick, efficient loan disbursement when your home is complete.
  • Flexible Payment Schedule: We offer a flexible draw schedule that aligns with your builder's construction stages. This ensures that funds are available when needed, easing your financial pressure.
  • Expertise and Guidance: With decades of experience in the construction financing field, we provide expert guidance at every stage of your project. From initial planning to turnkey, we’re here to support you.

To conclude, a builder completion mortgage is a convenient financing solution that can reduce your costs during construction and streamline payments for a smoother process. Trusting an experienced broker like LendCity Mortgages ensures you make informed decisions aligning with your financial goals every step of your construction journey.

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5 Tips For A Successful New Construction Project 

Managing a new construction project is a complex endeavour. It entails meticulous planning, timely decision-making, and considerable financial commitment. To ensure the smooth progression and ultimate success of your project, here are reliable tips to guide you: 

1. Clear Vision And Detailed Planning 

Your first step should be establishing a clear vision for your project. Comprehensive and detailed planning is integral. This preparation should include creating precise blueprints, understanding zoning regulations, and anticipating potential obstacles. Remember, the more exact your planning, the fewer surprises you'll encounter mid-construction

2. Sensible Budgeting 

Second, a sensible budget is paramount. This includes construction costs and allowances for potential overruns or unanticipated adjustments. By working with LendCity Mortgages, we can help you navigate these financial complexities and provide access to competitive mortgage products to cater to your individual project needs. 

3. Vetted Professionals 

Ensuring you secure the services of thoroughly vetted professionals can't be overstated. Engage experienced contractors with a proven record of successfully managing projects of similar scale and complexity. This investment will pay off in the quality of work and overall project execution. 

4. Communication And Coordination 

No construction project can succeed without effective communication and coordination. Adopting a proactive stance in discussing progress with your team and staying on top of issues will help guarantee a smoother construction process. As your lending partner, LendCity Mortgages is always ready to provide any necessary support and guide you through any financing needs that arise. 

5. Regular Site Visits 

Making regular site visits is essential to monitor the project's progress. It lets you catch any issues early, make necessary adjustments, and facilitate prompt decisions. Remember, your involvement ensures your project aligns with your vision and goals. 

In summary, your construction project's success aligns with meticulous planning, sensible budgeting, hiring experienced professionals, clear communication, and proactive involvement. Partnering with LendCity Mortgages can significantly simplify the financing aspect of this journey. With our expertise and client-oriented approach, we are committed to helping you realize your construction goals.


To sum up, understanding the nuances of new construction financing aids in removing potential roadblocks in your construction project. From comprehending the construction process and recognizing the function of progress draws to the utility of a builder completion mortgage, each facet underpins the success of your venture. Remember, detailed planning, prudent budgeting, vetting your professionals thoroughly, transparent communication and coordination, and routine site visits are the cornerstone of a successful new construction project. 

New construction financing is not just a means to an end but rather an intricate process that demands expert knowledge and seasoned experience — where LendCity Mortgages shines. Partnering with us ensures an effortless, streamlined flow, from understanding the financial terminology to finally achieving your construction goals. With a keen eye on each stage of progress draws and a deep understanding of builder completion mortgages, LendCity Mortgages is a trusted ally in your pursuit of creating your dream property. 

We invite you to experience the benefits and peace of mind of having a dependable and professional mortgage provider like LendCity Mortgages at your side. We're here, ready to help you build your future.

Let's set you up for success.

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